home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- G4C
- ; Dir.rep - GUI for the c:Rep replace command.
- ; ----------------- The window
- WinBig -1 -1 400 100 'Replace in selected files'
- WinType 11110001
- varpath dir.gc
- ; ----------------- General events
- xOnLoad
- rp_from = ""
- rp_to = ""
- rp_savemode = OVER
- rp_ci = ""
- guiopen Dir.rep
- RUN 'resident guis:c/Rep pure add'
- xOnReload
- guiopen dir.rep
- xOnClose
- delvar rp_#?
- guiquit Dir.rep
- run 'resident Rep remove'
- ; ---------------- text-in gadgets for entering..
- xTextIn 80 5 310 18 'Replace:' rp_from "" 200 ; string to Rep
- gadid 1
- setgad dir.rep 2 on ; activate next textin
- xTextIn 80 25 310 18 'With:' rp_to "" 200 ; Rep with this
- gadid 2
- ; ---------------- Do we want to add extensions to the files ?
- xCycler 10 45 190 14 "" rp_savemode
- gadid 3
- cstr 'OVERWRITE Files' OVER
- cstr 'Add .rep extension' EXT
- ; ---------------- case insensitive search ?
- xCycler 200 45 190 14 "" rp_ci
- gadid 6
- cstr 'Case Sensitive' ""
- cstr 'Case Insensitive' I
- ; ---------------- A text display, telling you what's going on.
- TEXT 15 65 50 14 Status: 20 NOBOX
- TEXT 80 65 310 14 Waiting.. 100 BOX
- gadid 4
- ; ---------------- Start converting..
- xButton 210 80 90 14 Start
- gadid 5
- lvmulti first
- if $lv_file = ""
- ezreq "No files selected!" OK ''
- stop
- endif
- if $$LV_TYPE != FILE
- ezreq 'Directories can not\nbe converted!\n\nTry again..\n' OK ""
- stop
- endif
- if $rp_from = ""
- ezreq 'No "Replace:" defined!' OK ""
- stop
- endif
- rp_flag = 0
- rp_destfile = ""
- if $rp_savemode = EXT
- extract lv_file UNQUOTE rp_fname
- appvar rp_fname .rep
- rp_destfile = \"$rp_fname\"
- endif
- gosub dir.rep disable
- update Dir.rep 4 'REP: $lv_file'
- launch 5 'Rep $lv_file $rp_from \"$rp_to\" $rp_destfile $rp_ci'
- ; Use of the launch command will allow the other GUIs running on
- ; this instance of Gui4Cli to go about their business normally
- xOnReturn 5
- update Dir.rep 4 'Finished.'
- lvmulti OFF ; set selection off
- if $rp_flag != 0 ; check abort flag
- rp_flag = 0 ; reset for next time
- gosub dir.rep enable
- stop
- endif
- lvmulti next ; get next file
- if $lv_file = "" ; no more files
- lvdir refresh
- gosub dir.rep enable
- stop
- endif
- if $rp_savemode = EXT
- extract lv_file UNQUOTE rp_fname
- appvar rp_fname .rep
- rp_destfile = \"$rp_fname\"
- endif
- update Dir.rep 4 'REP: $lv_file'
- launch 5 'Rep $lv_file $rp_from \"$rp_to\" $rp_destfile $rp_ci'
- ; --------------- Cancel the rest of the files chosen.
- xButton 300 80 90 14 Stop
- setvar rp_flag 1
- ; --------------- Routines to disables & enable guis
- xRoutine disable
- guiwindow dir.gc wait
- setgad dir.rep 1 off
- setgad dir.rep 2 off
- setgad dir.rep 3 off
- setgad dir.rep 5 off
- setgad dir.rep 6 off
- xRoutine enable
- guiwindow dir.gc resume
- setgad dir.rep 1 on
- setgad dir.rep 2 on
- setgad dir.rep 3 on
- setgad dir.rep 5 on
- setgad dir.rep 6 on
- xOnFail
- gosub dir.rep enable